浏览器实现 app 跳转 输入url跳转到app
其中URL identifier 可以随便取,URL Schemes 就是实现跳转URL协议的名称(可以多个)
在viewController里面添加一个显示信息的函数+(void) showMessage:(NSString *)message;
+(void) showMessage:(NSString *)message{
NSLog(@"Message : %@",message);
首先需要实现一个方法:-(BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url
-(BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url{
return NO;
NSString *urlString = [url absoluteString];
[SafariToAppViewController showMessage:urlString];
return YES;
-(BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation{
// You should be extremely careful when handling URL requests.
// Take steps to validate the URL before handling it.
// Check if the incoming URL is nil.
if (!url)
return NO;
// Invoke our helper method to parse the incoming URL and extact the color
// to display.
UIColor *launchColor = [self extractColorFromLaunchURL:url];
// Stop if the url could not be parsed.
if (!launchColor)
return NO;
[SafariToAppViewController showMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",launchColor]];
return YES;
- (UIColor*)extractColorFromLaunchURL:(NSURL*)url
// Hexadecimal color codes begin with a number sign (#) followed by six
// hexadecimal digits. Thus, a color in this format is represented by
// three bytes (the number sign is ignored). The value of each byte
// corresponds to the intensity of either the red, blue or green color
// components, in that order from left to right.
// Additionally, there is a shorthand notation with the number sign (#)
// followed by three hexadecimal digits. This notation is expanded to
// the six digit notation by doubling each digit: #123 becomes #112233.
// Convert the incoming URL into a string. The '#' character will be percent
// escaped. That must be undone.
NSString *urlString = [[url absoluteString] stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// Stop if the conversion failed.
if (!urlString)
return nil;
// Create a regular expression to locate hexadecimal color codes in the
// incoming URL.
// Incoming URLs can be malicious. It is best to use vetted technology,
// such as NSRegularExpression, to handle the parsing instead of writing
// your own parser.
NSError *error = nil;
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"#[0-9a-f]{3}([0-9a-f]{3})?"
// Check for any error returned. This can be a result of incorrect regex
// syntax.
if (error)
NSLog(@"%@", error);
return nil;
// Extract all the matches from the incoming URL string. There must be at least
// one for the URL to be valid (though matches beyond the first are ignored.)
NSArray *regexMatches = [regex matchesInString:urlString options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, urlString.length)];
if (regexMatches.count < 1)
return nil;
// Extract the first matched string
NSString *matchedString = [urlString substringWithRange:[regexMatches[0] range]];
// At this point matchedString will look similar to either #FFF or #FFFFFF.
// The regular expression has guaranteed that matchedString will be no longer
// than seven characters.
// Extract an ASCII c string from matchedString. The '#' character should not be
// included.
const char *matchedCString = [[matchedString substringFromIndex:1] cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
// Convert matchedCString into an integer.
unsigned long hexColorCode = strtoul(matchedCString, NULL, 16);
CGFloat red, green, blue;
if (matchedString.length-1 > 3)
// If the color code is in six digit notation...
// Extract each color component from the integer representation of the
// color code. Each component has a value of [0-255] which must be
// converted into a normalized float for consumption by UIColor.
red = ((hexColorCode & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) / 255.0f;
green = ((hexColorCode & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) / 255.0f;
blue = (hexColorCode & 0x000000FF) / 255.0f;
// The color code is in shorthand notation...
// Extract each color component from the integer representation of the
// color code. Each component has a value of [0-255] which must be
// converted into a normalized float for consumption by UIColor.
red = (((hexColorCode & 0x00000F00) >> 8) | ((hexColorCode & 0x00000F00) >> 4)) / 255.0f;
green = (((hexColorCode & 0x000000F0) >> 4) | (hexColorCode & 0x000000F0)) / 255.0f;
blue = ((hexColorCode & 0x0000000F) | ((hexColorCode & 0x0000000F) << 4)) / 255.0f;
// Create and return a UIColor object with the extracted components.
return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:1.0f];
由 davidzhang创作并维护的 Gowhich博客采用创作共用保留署名-非商业-禁止演绎4.0国际许可证。
本文首发于 博客( https://www.gowhich.com ),版权所有,侵权必究。
本文永久链接: https://www.gowhich.com/blog/316
由 davidzhang创作并维护的 Gowhich博客采用创作共用保留署名-非商业-禁止演绎4.0国际许可证。
本文首发于 Gowhich博客( https://www.gowhich.com ),版权所有,侵权必究。
本文永久链接: https://www.gowhich.com/blog/316